Donuts * Donuts

イントロダクション / Introduction


“Duende Pianoforte” released new music album, “Donuts Donuts”, 2017 fall. Piano trio jazz and lively touch of piano are mainly featured in this album. Enjoy with original songs and standard jazz number in this album. We have a lot of seasonal good food and sweets in Japanese autumn with delicious music!


収録曲 / Tracklist

  1. Dinner Magic
    composed by Koyotaka Sambown
  2. Potato Moon
    composed by Koyotaka Sambown
  3. Lost in Thought
    improvised by Roco Shiranuhi
  4. Rainy Walk in Autumn
    composed by Koyotaka Sambown
  5. Rabbit Tail
    composed by Koyotaka Sambown
  6. Tea For Two
    composed by Vincent Youmans, improvised by Roco Shiranuhi
  7. Jingle Bells
    composed by James Lord Pierpont, arranged by Koyotaka Sambown

作品情報 / Information

Title:Donuts Donuts
Specification:Package: Copy CD + Special paper jacket or
download data: mp3, m4a, flac
Release date:October 29, 2017
Release event (you can meet us!):2017秋M3 第一展示場 O-05a
Price:1,200 JPY
(at event 1,000 JPY)

*CD Package can only be delivered within Japan.
*Downloading and purchasing is available from all over the world after you create an account of the BOOTH service (Credit card, paypal are available)

制作者 / Credit

Roco Shiranuhi
ピアノ、即興アレンジ / Piano, improvisation
Koyotaka Sambown
ウインドシンセ、プログラミング、作曲編曲 / Wind synthesizer, programming, composer, arranger
Popolony Sound & Design
デザイン、販売、ディレクション / design, distribution, direction

リンク用バナー / Banner
